** Phoenix Financial, is a former RIA (Registered Investment Advisory) firm with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Presently structured as a Sole Proprietorship with the Commonwealth, the firm is in the process of restructuring as a Limited Liability Corporation.

Phoenix Financial

Phoenix Financial

General Savings Concepts

Phoenix Financial

I've always felt that the core curriculum within our educational system has failed to truly address the concept of Financial Literacy.  Even at the higher levels, although granted one can take courses in finance, Economics and other related subject matter, I've never felt what's been made available to be truly comprehensively enough.

Learning really ought to begin at an early age.  Absent that, there are innumerable sources out on the web, and for that reason I encourage individuals to begin researching on their own, and with guidance, if preferred.

During my studies, I've always found myself asking:

"What better practical application than viewing and understanding your own household data?"

So to that end, as a base, I've put together a series of what I call "Investor Education Series," which aims to address the concept on a high level.

And to supplement my own unique brand, I've incorporated other educational literature that I've found to be beneficial to the average person.

Successful investing involves a sound understanding of the basic principles which drive modern portfolio Theory.

Following is a link to a document which illustrates the relationship between traditional risk and traditional return.

We frequently refer to concepts such as Diversification, Time Horizon & Risk Tolerance.  Closely related to Risk Tolerance is the relationship between Risk & Return, or what we sometimes refer to as the Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM for short.

The CAPM, and more specifically, CAPL or the Capital Asset Pricing Line attempt to illustrate the various risk-premiums associated with various Asset classes.  It's a critical concept that one  needs to understand before allocating funds.

General Savings Concepts